Rethink Dental Scrap Refining
Many of our dentists have been using the same refiner for many years and have given no thought to change. It is time to rethink old habits. If your refiners haven’t paid you $100,000.00 or more over the last 30 years, then you have funded their retirements, not yours! This number only estimates the total payout. If the money were saved and invested, then it could easily grow to seven figures.
The president of Premier Dental Refining founded this company on the principle that dentists should be paid at what the insurance industry calls “Fee for Service Payout.” Unfortunately, currently, the refining industry pays the dentist at an HMO rate, or sometimes PPO rate, which they describe as “We Pay the Most” or “98% Return,” without defining the basis for these rates. You, the dentist, deserve a “Fee for Service Payout” on your scrap metals. The largest chunk of payout should go to the dentist, not to the refinery.
Find out what your Dental Scrap is
REALLY worth